Just imagine this scene for a moment, Insider. I was once speaking in front of fifty people at a private networking event.


Out of the blue, a woman got up with a really angry face and shouted really negative statements at me! I just stood there frozen until she walked out of the room and slammed the door shut!


The whole audience looked at me as if to say: “what the hell just happened?” And I was still standing there shocked and red in the face.


I went home that night and felt so depressed. I told myself that I had to learn how to win the audience over, because that's where I struggled the most.


Especially with my introverted background—I never really understood how to create a likeable speaker character.


It wasn't until I learned about the five steps I'm going to share with you today, that I began to get the audience on my side from the first moment. And most importantly, hook their attention.


Because the second you do this, you'll notice the audience becomes so much more receptive towards your message.


So be sure to pay close attention to every single one of these steps, as they are designed to work in unison. You can’t just do one, you have to use them together.


Watch my video today to learn:


  • Why it’s important to loosen up your audience (and yourself!)
  • How to test if the jokes you want to use are funny (or not)
  • Why lots of clapping helps you make a good speech or presentation
  • How many times you want people to raise their hands (there is a magic number)
  • Why you must drop big hints about the exciting things you’re going to reveal (it has to do with hormones!)
  • How telling a story or two makes a deep connection with your audience


If you learn and carry out these five steps I share with you in my video, you will win over every group you speak to.


I've spoken on stages all around the world, as you may know, and it's very that important you master these skills in order to hook your audience’s attention, and get your message across.


So I hope you found today's video helpful, Insider. If you have, let me know how you get on once you've taken action.


If you’ve liked this video, click the like button and if you want to know more about public speaking as well, let me know in the comments box below and I’ll get back to you.


As always, follow your heart my friend and take action. Get to live the life you truly want to live.