Be honest, Insider, how many times in your life have you said yes to someone when you actually want to say no? You don’t want to hurt or annoy them so you say yes but you mean the opposite.
Well, let me admit…for me it is too many times. People pleasing can cost us a fortune—you don't need me to tell you that because you already know it. And yet we continue to do it!
It’s understandable that you want to please people, that is only natural, but there comes a point when it is harming your life and income and can even harm the people you are trying to please. In fact it often harms them, which is the last thing we want.
Do you feel like me as regards people pleasing? We want to help people and not upset them, so we say yes when we mean no, and it costs them as well as us because we end up letting them down.
There are so many people with this same problem, but don’t worry, what I’m going to share with you today will help you cut down and finally stop doing this over and over again.
In the video, I’m going to show you the three steps that I followed to finally get rid of this sabotaging behavioural pattern. because it cost me so much in my life that I knew I had to do something about it.
My wish is firstly that you pay close attention, but most importantly also take action on this: because your future self will thank you for it.
In the video today you will learn how important it is to:
- Listen to your gut feeling when people ask you to do something
- Repeat this powerful mantra to tell you how to decide on your priorities
- Use Warren Buffett’s concise rule to use when you have an important decision to make…
- …and why you shouldn’t make a decision on the spur of the moment!
- Design your own life blueprint or strategy
- Combine your values and logic to make the best choice
I hope you find today's video helpful, Insider. If you do, be sure to click the like button and comment below. Let's commit to this and affirm it into our subconscious mind.
And as always, follow your heart, my friend. Take action and go live the life you were born to live.